

  1. Arai G, Kihara K, Hyouchi N, Masuda H, Yonese J, Kobayashi T, Kageyama Y, Sato K.Control of canine membranous urethra, bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles by lumbosacral sympathetic pathways.Auton Neurosci,104:109-116, 2003

  2. Asano T, Kawakami S, Okuno T, Tsujii T, Nemoto T, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.Malignant transformation in a testicular mature teratoma left untreated for morethan 50 years since childhood.Scan J Urol Nephorol, 37:177-178, 2003

  3. Fujii Y, Kawakami S, Koga F, Nemoto T, Kihara K.Long-term outcome of bladder papillary urothelial neoplasms of low malignant potential.BJU Int,92:559-562, 2003

  4. Fujii Y, Kageyama Y, Kawakami S, Masuda H, Arisawa C, Akamatsu H, Akashi T, Kihara K.Successful long-term disease-free survival following multimodal treatments in a patient with a repeatedly recurrent refractory adrenal cortical carcinoma: a case report.Int J Urol.10: 445-448, 2003

  5. Inoue K, Tanaka S, Kawai K, Sato K, Kihara K and Sato T.Encodrine cells in the human prostate gland evaluated by immunohistochemistry for serotonin, neuron-specific enolase, and synaptophysin.Tsurumi Univ.Dent. J29:147-158, 2003.

  6. Ito T, Nakamura T, Suzuki K, Takagi T, Toba T, Hagiwara A, Kihara K, Miki T, Yamagishi H and Shimizu Y.Regeneration of hypogastric nerve using a polyglycolic acid (PGA)-collagen nerve conduit filled with collagen sponge proved electrophysiologically in a canine model.Int. J. Artif. Organs26: 245-251, 2003

  7. Kageyama Y, Yokoyama M, Sakai Y, Saito K, Koga F, Yano M, Arai G, Hyochi N, Masuda H, Fujii Y, Kawakami S, Kobayashi T, Kihara K.Favorable outocome of preoperative low dose chemoradiotherapy against muscle-invasive bladdercancer.Am J Clin Oncol,in press.

  8. Kamai T, Kawakami S, Koga F, Arai G, Takagi K, Arai K, Tsujii T, Yoshida KI.RhoA is associated with invasion and lymph node metastasis in upper urinary tract cancer.BJU Int,91:234-238, 2003

  9. Kawakami S, Hyochi N, Saito K, Arai G, Fujii Y, Kihara K.Precise and simplified placement of a prostatic stent under real-time transrectal ultrasonography monitoring.BJU Int,91:577-578, 2003

  10. Kawano K, Yano M, Kitahara S, Yasuda K.Renal arteriovenous malformation showing peripelvic extravasation and elevated urine catecholamine.Dokkyo J Med Sci,30:181-183,2003

  11. Kitayama S, Fujii Y, Kihara K.A case of urothelial cancer producing granulocyte colony-stimulating factor: possible induction of splenomegaly.Urology,in press

  12. Kobayashi T, Kihara K, Hyochi N, Masuda H, Sato K.Spontaneous regeneration of the seriously injured sympathetic pathway projecting to the prostate over a long period in the dog.BJU Int,91:868-72, 2003

  13. Koga F, Kawakami S, Kumagai J, Takizawa T, Ando N, Arai G, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.Impaired dNp63 expression characterises aggressive phenotypes of urolthelial neoplasms.Bri J Cancer,88:740-747,2003

  14. Koga F, Kawakami S, Fujii Y, Saito K, Iwai A, Kumagai J, Takizawa T, Ando N, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.Impaired p63 expression associates with poor prognosis and uroplakin III expression in invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. Cli.Cancer Res,in press

  15. Masuda H, Urushibara M, Kihara K.Successful treatment ofdermatomyositis associated with adenocarcinoma of the prostate following radical prostatectomy.J Urol,169: 1084, 2003

  16. Masuda H, Yano M, Sakai Y, Kihara K, Goto M, Azuma H.Roles of accumulated endogenous NOS inhibitors and decreased NOS activity for the impaired trigonal relaxation with ischemia.J Urol,170: 1415-1420, 2003

  17. Masuda H, Yano M, Sakai Y, Kihara K, Yamauchi Y, Azuma H.Modulation of intrinsic cavernosal tone and nitric oxide production by arginase in the rabbit corpus cavernosum.J Urol,in press.

  18. Okada Y, Fujii Y, Moore Jr JP, Winters SJ.Androgen receptors in gonadotrophs in pituitary cultures from adult male monkeys and rats.Endocrinology,144:267-73, 2003

  19. Okada Y, Murota-Kowano A, Kakar SS, Winters SJ.Evidence that Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-II stimulates Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Secretion from Monkey Pituitary Cultures byActivating the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-I Receptor.Biol Reprod69:1356-1361, 2003

  20. Saito K, Fujii Y, Kawakami S, Hayashi T, Arisawa C, Koga F, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.Increased expression of Sialyl-Lewis A correlates with poor survival in upper urinary tract urothelial cancer patients.Anticancer Res,23: 3441-3446, 2003

  21. Yamashita T, Masuda H, Yano M, Kobayashi T, Kawano K, Kihara K.Urethral fibroepithelial polyp accompanied with stricture presenting in an adult female.J Urol,in press

  22. Yokoyama M, Fujii Y, Okuno T, Kawakami S, Kobayashi T, Masuda H, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.Adenocarcinoma arising at the ileoileal anastomotic site of Scheele's ring.Int J Urol.10: 495-497, 2003

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  25. 木島敏樹、増田 均、鈴木理仁、岡田洋平、矢野雅隆、兵地信彦、藤井靖久、川上 理、林 哲夫、小林 剛、木原和徳.Cyclophosphamide誘発性と考えられる膀胱癌の3例.泌尿器科紀要49:483-486, 2003

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  35. 小林 剛,木原和徳.尿路変更後の尿細菌叢.腎と透析,55: 146-148, 2003

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  37. 増田 均.根治的前立腺全摘除術におけるED予防法:根治的前立腺全摘術における神経移植.Medical Tribune,35, 2003

  38. 増田 均、木原和徳、兵地信彦、小林 剛、影山幸雄.神経温存骨盤内手術の現況と将来展望:骨盤内臓器を支配する自律神経の再建.泌尿外:16, 671-677, 2003

  39. 増田 均、木原和徳.泌尿器科領域における自律神経の再建.泌尿器科最新医療,in press

  40. 尾関 全,川上 理,増田 均,石阪和博,影山幸雄,木原和徳.尿管癌術後経過観察中に発見された前部尿道Fibroepithelial polypの1例.泌尿器科紀要,49:29-31, 2003

  41. 田中将樹,福田博志,東四雄.副腎皮質ホルモン投与下に転移の完全退縮を認めた腎細胞癌の1例.泌尿紀要,49: 225-228, 2003

  42. 山下智子,藤井靖久,田所 学,中西泰一,川上 理,小林 剛,影山幸雄,木原和徳,有澤千鶴,安藤正夫.成人の無症候性副腎出血の一例.泌尿紀要,in press

  43. 吉田宗一郎、川上 理、駒井好信、田所 学、横山みなと、斉藤一隆、影山幸雄、木原和徳.精索原発平滑筋肉腫の1例.泌尿紀要,in press