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  2. Hayashi T, Arai G, Hyochi N, Suzuki M, Masuda H, Kawakami S, Okuno T, Ishizaka K, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.Suppression of spermatogenesis in ips- and contra-lateral testicular tissues in patients with seminoma by human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit.Urology58:251-257, 2001

  3. Hayashi T, Kageyama Y, Ishizaka K, Xia G, Kihara K.Requirement of Notch1 and its ligand Jagged 2 expressions for spermatogenesis in rat and human testes.J Androl22: 999-1011, 2001

  4. Kageyama Y, Ishibashi K, Hayashi T, Xia G, Sasaki S, Kihara K.Expression of aquaporins 7 and 8 in the developing rat testis.Andrologia33:165-169, 2001

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  9. Kawakami S, Kageyama Y, Yonese J, Fukui I, Kitahara S, Arai G, Hyouchi N, Suzuki M, Masuda H, Hayashi T, Okuno T, Kihara K.Successful treatment of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the urachus: report of 2 cases with more than 10 years survival.Urology58:462 iv-vi, 2001

  10. Kihara K.Strategy for male and female sexual dysfunction: Ejaculatory dysfunction due to nerve injury.Journal of Asian Sexology2:96-97, 2001

  11. Kihara K, Sato K, Kageyama Y, Inoue Y.Reconstruction of the canine pelvic nerve and its application to bladder transplantation.Neurourol Urodynam20:187-196, 2001

  12. Kobayashi T, Kihara K, Kageyama Y, Yamada T, Liu S, Sato K.Spontaneous reconstruction of the canine hypogastric nerve over a long period after removing half of its length. Autonom. Neurosci.Basic and Clinical86:151-162, 2001

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  16. Liu S, Sato K, Kobayashi K, Yamada T, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.Sympathetic efferent pathways projecting to the vagina in the dog.Autonom Neurosci Basic and Clinical88:45-51, 2001

  17. Masuda H, Tsujii T, Azuma H, Oshima H.Role of a central muscarinic cholinergic pathway for relaxation of the proximal urethra during voiding phase in the rats.J Urol165:999-1003, 2001

  18. Masuda H, Tsujii T, Okuno T, Kihara K, Goto M, Azuma H.Involvement of accumulated endogenous NOS inhibitors and decreased NOS activity in the impaired neurogenic relaxation of the rabbit proximal urethra with ischemia.Brit J Pharmacol133:97-106, 2001

  19. Suzuki T, Ushiyama T.Vesicoureteral reflux in the early stage of spinal cord injury: a retrospective study.Spinal Cord39:23-25, 2001

  20. Takazawa R, Kawakami S, Kageyama Y, Kihara K, Oshima H.Mixed gonadal dysgenesis found by a huge seminoma after puberty mimicking hernia uteri inguinale.BJU Int87:903, 2001

  21. Winters SJ, Kawakami S, Sahu A, Plant TM.Pituitary Follistatin and Activin Gene Expression, and the Testicular Regulation of FSH in the Adult Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta).Endocrinology142:2874-2878, 2001

  22. Xia G, Kageyama Y, Hayashi T, Kawakami S, Yoshida M, Kihara K.Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor transcription by endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS1) and possible involvement of EPAS1 in the angiogenesis of renal cell carcinoma.Cancer91:1429-1436, 2001

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  37. 影山幸雄、木原和徳、大島博幸.泌尿器科癌における化学療法の現況.総合臨床50:287-289, 2001

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