

  1. 木原和徳.射精機能温存に必要な神経解剖 実践 Urologic Surgery 7  陰茎癌と精巣癌の手術 寺地敏郎、山口脩編,東京 Medical View 社2001

  2. Althof SE, Benson SM, Haensel SM, Hull EM, Kihara K, Opsomer RJ.Male Orgasmic and Ejaculatory Disorders In Erectile Dysfunction. Edited by Jardin A, Wagner G, Khoury S, Giuliano F, Padma-Nathan H and Rosen R.Health Publication Ltd. UKpp477-506, 2000

  3. Fujii Y, Yoshida M, Chien LJ, Kihara K, Kageyama Y, Yasukochi Y, Oshima H.Significance of carbohydrate antigen sialyl-Lewis X, sialyl-Lewis A, and possible unknown ligands to adhesion of human urothelial cancer cells to activated endothelium.Urol Int64:129-133, 2000

  4. Hayashi T, Kageyama Y, Ishizaka K, Kihara K, Oshima H.Sexual dimorphism in the regulation of meiotic process in the rabbit.Biol Reprod62: 1722-1727, 2000

  5. Kugoh H, Fujiwara M, Kihara K, Fukui I, Horikawa I, Schulz TC, Oshimura M.Cellular senescence of a human bladder carcinoma cell line (JTC-32) induced by a normal chromosome 11.Cancer Genet Cytogenet116:158-163, 2000

  6. Yonese J, Kihara K, Sato K, Fukuda H, Kamata S, Oshima H.Sympathetic efferent pathways projecting to the prostate in the dog.Prostate44: 225-232, 2000

  7. Kageyama Y, Kihara K, Oshima H.Intrathoracic herniation of the kidney.Urology55:143-144, 2000

  8. Kageyama Y, Okada Y, Arai G, Hyochi N, Suzuki M, Masuda H, Hayashi T, Kawakami S, Okuno T, Ishizaka K, Kihara K.Preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy against muscle invasive bladder cancer; Results of partial cystectomy in elderly or high-risk patients.Jpn J Clin Oncol30: 553-556, 2000

  9. Kihara K.Nerve-sparing retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: control mechanism, technique for nerve-sparing and reconstruction.Int J Urol.7 Suppl:S52-5, 2000

  10. Koga F, Kawano K, Honda M, Sumi S, Horimi H, Kondo S, Yoshida K.Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma with scant carcinomatous components.Int J Urol.7:58-61, 2000

  11. Koga F, Kitahara S, Arai K, Honda M, Sumi S, Yoshida K.Negative p53/positive p21 immunostaining is a predictor of favorable response to chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced bladder cancer.Jpn J Cancer Res91:416-23, 2000

  12. 影山幸雄.腎ろう拡張器具を用いた前立腺全摘後吻合部の拡張.臨床泌尿器科のコツと落とし穴4、非観血的治療法、内視鏡手術、阿曽佳朗編p43, 2000

  13. 影山幸雄,大島博幸.酸性ホスファターゼ 中井利昭編、検査値の見方、改訂第2,中外医学社p322-323, 2000

  14. 古賀文隆,石丸尚,水尾敏之.泌尿器系原発三重複癌の1例.臨床泌尿器科54:309-312, 2000

  15. 酒井康之,山田拓己,福田博志,一柳暢孝,鎌田成芳,長浜克志,谷沢晶子,渡辺 徹,斉藤 博.女性尿道後方に発生した類上皮平滑筋腫(平滑筋芽腫)の1例.泌尿器科紀要46: 41-43, 2000

  16. 酒井康之,山田拓己,長浜克志,一柳暢孝,鎌田成芳,谷沢晶子,福田博志,渡辺 徹,斉藤 博.感染を伴った巨大な出血性副腎偽嚢腫の1例.泌尿器科紀要46: 315-317, 2000

  17. 木原和徳.骨盤外科におけるウロダイナミクス:4. 膀胱を支配する自律神経の再建.泌尿器外科13: 539-540, 2000