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Hayashi T, Kageyama Y, Ishizaka K, Kihara K, Oshima H.Involvement of apoptosis in the control of Sertoli and pre-meiotic germ cell numbers in the developing rabbit testis.Andrologia,34:34-40, 2002
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Ishimaru H, Kageyama Y, Hayashi T, Nemoto T, Eishi Y, Kihara K.Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and bombesin/gastrin releasing peptide in human prostate cancers and their lymphnodes metastasis.Acta Oncol,41: 289-296, 2002
Ishizaka K, Suzuki M, Kageyama Y, Kihara K, Yoshida K.Bone mineral density in hypogonadal men remains low after long-term testosterone replacement.Asian J Androl,4:117-21, 2002
Kageyama Y, Ishizaka K, Iwashina M, Sasano H, Kihara K.A case of ACTH-independent bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia successfully treated by subtotal resection of the adrenal glands: Four-year follow-up.Endocrine J,49:227-229, 2002
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Kageyama Y, Sakai Y, Arai G, Hyouchi N, Suzuki M, Masuda H, Kawakami S, Hayashi T, Okuno T, Kobayashi T, Kihara K.Intracavitary administraion of OK-432 with subcutaneous priming for malignant ascites in a case of advanced renal cell carcinoma.Int J Urol.9:57-59, 2002
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Kawakami S, Arai G, Hayashi T, Fujii Y, Xia G, Kageyama Y, Kihara K.PPARg ligands suppress proliferation of human urothelial basal cells in vitro.J Cell Physiol,191:310-319, 2002
Kawakami S, Fujii Y, Okada Y, Winters SJ.Paracrine regulation of FSH by follistatin in folliculostellate cell-enriched primate pituitary cell cultures.Endocrinology,143:2250-8, 2002
Li G, Kawakami S, Kageyama Y, Chunyin Y, Saito K, Kihara K.IFNg-induced up-regulation of PD-ECGF/TP enhances the cytotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil and 5ユ-deoxy-5-fluorouridine in human bladder cancer cells.Anticancer Res,22:2607-2612, 2002
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Saito K, Fujii Y, Kasahara I, Kobayashi N, Kasuga T, and Kihara K.Malignant clear cell sugar tumor of the kidney: Clear cell variant of epithelioid angiomyolipoma.J Urol,168:2533-2534, 2002
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